Norsk Hydro: Drive for decarbonisation / Pareto Securities' Power & Renewable Energy Conference 2022

Primary aluminium is described as a hard-to-abate, but crucial for the net-zero emissions target. To be able to decarbonise the world, 70 % can be done through electrification and 30 % from hard-to-abate sectors. How is it hard to accomplish zero-net emission in aluminum?

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Norsk Hydro: Drive for decarbonisation / Pareto Securities' Power & Renewable Energy Conference 2022

Pareto Securities

Norsk Hydro is a Norwegian industrial giant and one of the world’s largest aluminium companies with operations in 40 countries and activities on all continents.

Primary aluminium is described as a hard-to-abate, but crucial for the net-zero emissions target. To be able to decarbonise the world, 70 % can be done through electrification and 30 % from hard-to-abate sectors. How is it hard to accomplish zero-net emission in aluminium? Listen to the discussion between Arvid Moss, EVP Energy at Norsk Hydro, Kenneth Sivertsen Equity Research Analyst in Pareto Securities and Pareto Securities’ Matilda Karlsson where Mr Moss gives his view on the key focus within the energy sector and what challenges and opportunities they are facing.


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